Standard & Poor's évvégi osztályzatok.
Mindenki izgul(hat), hogy mit kap. Fognak rossz "jegyek" születni:-DDD.
Alább az osztályzatok, a kérdés csak az, hogy, ha Pistike X éven át 5-ös volt (lásd: U.S.A.), majd évvégére megbukuk, ki a hibás?
A tanár, aki nem beszélt a Szülõkkel és falazott Pistikének, vagy Pistike?
‘AAA’—Extremely strong capacity to meet financial commitments. Highest Rating.
‘AA’—Very strong capacity to meet financial commitments.
‘A’—Strong capacity to meet financial commitments, but somewhat susceptible to adverse economic conditions and changes in circumstances.
‘BBB’—Adequate capacity to meet financial commitments, but more subject to adverse economic conditions.
‘BBB-‘—Considered lowest investment grade by market participants.
‘BB+’—Considered highest speculative grade by market participants.
‘BB’—Less vulnerable in the near-term but faces major ongoing uncertainties to adverse business, financial and economic conditions.
‘B’—More vulnerable to adverse business, financial and economic conditions but currently has the capacity to meet financial commitments.
‘CCC’—Currently vulnerable and dependent on favorable business, financial and economic conditions to meet financial commitments.
‘CC’—Currently highly vulnerable.
‘C’—Currently highly vulnerable obligations and other defined circumstances.
D : Payment default on financial commitments.
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